New User Registration

FTI respects your privacy and will not sell or rent your contact information to any outside, third party companies.

FTI’s product specifications and technical reports are the sole property of Fatigue Technology Inc. and many contain proprietary information. We reserve the right to screen access to these documents. Once you submit your contact information below, our internal web registrations team will review your request within 48 hours (Monday - Friday).

Please be aware that public email addresses (such as,,, etc.) are not allowed. You must provide a verifiable corporate email address to register. If you have any questions, please contact us at


Your account must be approved before you will gain access to our technical document library.

Please allow for 24 to 48 hours to be approved. Once your account has been approved, you will receive an email and have access to FTI’s secured information for six months. After six months, your account will expire and you will have to contact us to gain access again.

You need to use a company email address to register
6 characters or more

Please include your area code. Acceptable characters: number, space, +, -, (, )